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Thalassa Hotels in Tunesien

Thalassa Hotels in Tunesien

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Unforgettable vacation in Thalassa Hotels Tunisia

Visit Thalassa Hotels in Tunisia

Once upon a time in Monastir, there was a five-star hotel, the Royal Thalassa Monastir *****, on which the fairies of luxury, charm and well-being had looked in a setting full of refinement and rare beauty …

Located on a beautiful beach just minutes from Monastir International Airport, the Royal Thalassa Monastir *****, flagship of the Tunisian chain Thalassa Hotels, truly asserts itself as one of the most beautiful five stars of the region .

Strategically placed between the city of Monastir, known for its Ribat and Medina, and the city of Sousse renowned for its nightlife and cultural sights, the Royal Thalassa Monastir offers its guests, in addition to the pleasures of the beach and the sea. sea, a rare and refined atmosphere.

In the middle of lush vegetation, the Royal Thalassa Monastir *****, close to three golf courses, is proving to be a well-being center thanks to the Royal Elyssa Thalasso & Spa to which it is directly connected: considered As one of the most beautiful thalassotherapy centers in the world, the Royal Elyssa combines well-being, fitness and beauty thanks to the addition of three major French brands present within it (Thal’Ion, L’Usine and Eric Zemmour) .

Also a partner of the company, the Royal Thalassa Monastir offers different spaces perfectly equipped for the organization of seminars, conventions and prestigious events.

Book your next holiday in Thalassa Hotels in Tunisia ( Useful links)

Booking Thalassa Tunisia Hotels 
Click Here
Booking Royal Elyssa 
Click Here
Royal Thalassa Reservation 
Click Here

The Thalassa Hotels Group in Tunisia offers you a luxury holiday in Monastir, Mahdia or Sousse. Thalasso holidays at very reasonable prices allow you to live unforgettable moments of spa, thalassotherapy and well-being in a magnificent environment. You can book your all-inclusive Thalasso weekend online.

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